Monday, September 27, 2010

Modern Gadfly?

   I do think that there is a Modern day Gadfly, there isn't one as bold as Socrates but there are people who are close. I believe that (forgive the spelling) Geraud Mcclendon from the show Geraud Mcclendon Live is a modern Gadfly. He is a strong person who isn't afraid to quesiton authority and says what he has to say. On his show he directly attacks the problem and situation head on. I have alot of respect for him because he doesn't have a really huge show, at the most his show is an half an hour maybe a few days a week, but in that little time he tackles many things.
  People weren't really fond of Socrates, that is the first audience. This reminds me Mr. Mcclendon, when you google his name, you don't see anything about him. People aren't fond of him, I've heard that people think his show is biased towards the African-American community and is racist and very opinionated. People said that Socrates was into trickery and played mind games. Geraud also had three audiences, a first, second, and third audience. The first audience which are the people who call in to tell their opinions, which are often biased, are questioned and listened to carefully. The second audience, which are the callers that can call and respond to the other callers sometimes laugh and mock the people who called. The last audience, the third audience, the people like me watching at home, laugh at the first audience, and smile at the second. If you compare the show and the audiences, it's really quite similar. Geraud breaks down and issues and make the callers and even the viewers at home think twice. This is why I consider Mr. Geraud Mcclendon as a Modern Gadfly.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Is the Unexamined Life Worth Living?

One of the most famous philosophers EVER, Socrates
(469-399 B.C.E.), once said "The Unexamined life is not worth living", how accurate is this statement ?

   I believed that this statement is very accurate. I dont believe it is healthy or possible to live a happy if you dont inspect and question life. What's the point of living if you can't or are afraid to admit that change is needed? If certain people hadn't questioned life,why do certain things happen and why do they work one way or another then MANY of the important parts of life would not exist. For some people it is life altering, I have had an experience where I have questioned something in life and in a way it was life altering. Before I became a dolphin, my mom wanted me to attend another school (Im not gonna say the name out of respect). I accepted it and even bought the uniform, I sat down and examined and came to the conclusion that I wanted to go to a more promising school. So I talked to my mom and we came to a compromise and here I am at Whitney Young. If I hadn't questioned and examined that situation who knows what and where I would be now. It is okay to question things, in my opinion,  the more fascinating things about the world are the different people, different cultures, and different lifestyles. To not examine life is very dangerous, our mindsets and views and lives would be so backwards, unhappy, controlled, biased, and so many other things it's not able to imagine. So the Unexamined life isn't worth living, if you can't question life, why live at all? Change is something noone should be afraid of.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Eulogy of Jameycia Jenkins

We are here today to honor the one and only Jameycia J. Jenkins.
      Jameycia was a kind-hearted soul who lived in a world of her own. She always tried to find & see the best in people, she also loved to help anyone in need. If you were sad or angry you could talk to her and she would make you forget all of your problems. Throughout her short & golden life, she always looked up to two people, her grandmother and herself. She believed that when God created her, he had her grandmother in mind. Jameycia loved her true friends & family, whenever you would see her smiling or laugh it would just brighten your day. Jameycia was in her Junior year & looking forward to going to college and law school. She never expected for that mutant octopus to crawl from under the ground & suffocate her to death on the way to the train station. Her philosophy teacher Mr. McCarthy will be forever grateful to her because that octopus was coming for him and she pushed him out of the way. She believed in love, fate, and second chances. Jameycia was a very misunderstood individual, she thought outside of the box quite often. She was the sweetest, bipolar, and amazing person ever. These reasons plus many more are the reasons why the people who did understand her, or at least tried to understand her loved her so much. She had so many different sides of her you never expected, she could'nt live without her laptop, phone, iPod, and her four best friends. If you knew her, you should consider yourself truly lucky. R.I.P Mecce
We love you forever <3