Friday, May 20, 2011


  Sooo I can't believe that  I'm this far behind on blogs and /the only thing I remember about anything Invisible is that we read the Invisible Man. So I will talk about time that I feel invisible....and maybe a nice poem :)

Invisibility, it is what it isn't
Only one can see
I can walk through walls I can't answer calls
I live for the people who can't see me
I live for the days I walk freely
You may think this poem makes no sense
But that is exactly why it does make sense
Life doesn't make any sense
When you're invisible the stars are the only ones who understand
Both are up high with no answers, only time to wonder and to ask why
Looking down on the world with an extravagent taste
There is no cruelty except honesty and grace...
Think about it....

  I feel like everyone in life is invisible at one point or another whether you know it or not. It's apart of human nature, even if it's only for 5 seconds. I myself find myself being invisible more than others, not because I'm anti-social or shy but because I feel like I am all I need. I am one in a million and the things of think of noone ever expects. Not to make this a "All About Jameycia" blog but you did ask to explain my Invisibility.
Anyway, tonight I'm gonna put a  really funny picture on here so look out,

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