Sunday, October 3, 2010

Candide's Punishments, do they fit the crime?

No, I do not think that Candide's crimes fit the punishment. I think that Candide was overly punished and that he actually unintentionally took the blame for someone else. When he was first punished for kissing Cunegonde, Pangloss should have been punished because he was the one who Cunegonde saw "fondling" in the bushes with the maid. From then on, all of Candide's punishments should'nt have happenend. Pangloss and the people who punished him should've been the ones who took the blame. When they saw that Candide had such silly nonsensible ideas and spoke of the great philosopher Pangloss, the Bulgars should have put the blame on Pangloss and helped Candide instead of punishing him. I think that they deserve to get punished for that.
I also find it ironic at how exactly when Candide says something out of the ordinary to their lifestyle he immediately gets punished. But, when he kills two people, he can escape and avoid punishment. This was all after he started to realize that Pangloss's philosophy about the world wasn't all that accurate. This reminds me of the world today, and the question, why do bad things happen to good people? We are all like Candide in different ways, all of our thoughts and ideas of the world are biased and guided towards a certain way. These thoughts and ideas( the harmless ones) get us into trouble, when the people who aren't so harmless get away with things.
Candide is now coming into the real world and no I still stand and say that his punishments do not fit the crime. Voltaire's book is more than a book about silly, nincompoop, love and adventure story. This really goes with my theory of how nothing is completely new, it's just a new version of the same happenings over and over again.

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