Friday, October 8, 2010

God in 2010

God in 2010 has changed drastically. He is no longer the almighty ruler, he has become a giver and not a receiver. People now believe that they control their life, their fate, and themselves. People don't believe that he deserves praise and that they are too busy to take the time to thank him.

  Churches have become places to raise money and brag rather than the place to praise and be educated. It's sad that I haven't met a pastor without a Beamer, Benz, or Bentley and that the people in church are the most corrupted people. In our world when diasters strike we say that God is punishing us & when things are going wrong in our lives we don't even acknowledge God. The world has turned God into a fad, sometimes it's in and sometimes it's out . I believe that Lord Jesus is my savior and without him I would be nothing. Some people would look at me and say that I'm crazy and others would say they believe but in actuality they do only when in need. It's ashame that more than half of us don't pray and when the other half prays we begin and end with what we need instead of thanking him. God is not brand name clothes, a new car, or money. He isn't an earthquake, a tornado, or a recession, he is God and without him we would be nothing.

God in 2010 is the God that has been there for us no matter what, he loves all fools and babies.

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