Sunday, November 28, 2010

Open letter to Cormac McCarthy...

Dear Mr. McCarthy,

   I've recently read one of your books "The Road" and I can honestly say that I enjoyed the book. It was different and very enjoyable, I only wonder what life events and/or inspiration drove you to write a book like the road. The book was depressing and pesstimistic & I dont think my mind is capable of putting together a story as crazy as that. That shows me how passionate and dedicated you are about your work and I really respect that. I didn't like the book because I'm a depressing & pesstimistic person but I liked it because it's so realistic. I do believe that if we dont start to make a change with our world that is definently how we are all going to turn out. I wish you would have kinda lived longer though, I would have loved to read many more of your books like "The Road".
The movie they made based of "The Road" didnt do the book credit, which is almost always the case. When we read your autobiography in class you seemed like you lived your life to the fullest and that you were kinda wierd. Then again, arent we all?

Sincernly, Jameycia J. Jenkins

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