Sunday, January 2, 2011


Hmmm.....I can compare Globalization to Bacon. It tastes good & it's looks so good before you eat but when you keep eating it & eating it you eventually you will have to give it up or you will die. There are many pros to globilization yet there ar just as many cons, just like bacon! Globalization can be a stroke or a full satisfied tummy! Anyway to lose the food analogies, many people believe that Globalization isn't good, many can compare it to the devil. Others think that Globalization is great, the key to a world, I partially agree with both arguments. Globalization can break years of tradition & make culture lost forever to the world. Yet, it can also pull a struggling economy out of a ditch & bring lots of money & resources. Everybody doesn't want to Americanize their country but then again noone wants to be poor. It's really a back & forth argument & I don't think either side is completely right or wrong. Lets just say Globalization has a good heart but doesn't always know when to lay off...
I feel like America has kind of manipulated Globalization & it's obvious to other countries. What we are doing here now isn't working for us so why would we want to spread it to other places in the world? It's always about America being on top & dont get me wrong I love my country but somethings are just uncalled for. Yes my opinions are kind of biased & that's only because I dont know the whole story but I SEE enough in my own life everyday.....

1 comment:

  1. I think you hit the issue spot-on when you say "Everybody doesn't want to Americanize their country but then again noone wants to be poor."
